About Us

About Us

We are one of the decades old business families in India with a family legacy of more than a decade in business, starting from 2012 2012, Having forayed into Jewellery Retailing in Chirawa, Rajasthan, India, where we are headquartered, and expanded beyond Chirawa by opening a showroom in Gudhagorji , Rajasthan, India on 10th October, 2019. Indian jewellery, its craftsmanship and diversity is a wonderful display of India's heritage, culture and diversity. With a keen understanding of local tastes and preferences, Mahalaxmi offers a range of traditional and contem. porary jewellery designs in gold, silver, precious stones and other precious metals.

Chirawa Head Branch

Gudha Gorji Branch

MD & CEO of Mahalaxmi Jewellers

Manroop Singh Manth
CEO & Founder

Personally, I believe that the major achievement of Mahalaxmi Jewelers is the trust that we have earned in the form of love from millions of people from vast district like Jhunjhunu of Rajasthan. We have always believed in fair and transparent business. We believe that the customer should be well understood that we know his needs before he understands himself. We believe that an enlightened customer is the best customer. It is these simple principles that have helped us reach where we are today. Today, Mahalaxmi Jewelers has 2 retail stores in Rajasthan. Buoyed by your immense love and support and the blessings of the Almighty, we believe that we are on the right track towards fulfilling our vision of opening stores and serving the customers across India.

Maha Singh Manth
Managing director

We have always envisioned everything on a large scale. We always enjoyed building the road and never thought of following a trail. Massive marketing campaigns and launches, path-breaking advertisements never seen before in jewelery advertisements, multi-storey large format jewelery showrooms, same day multi-launch celebrations and events. We have always done our best to support our brand, at all levels. We have to offer a lot to Jewelery Retailing - Price Tags, Customer Care Centre, Customer Finance Facility, Customer Product Security Insurance and many more. We have always believed in thinking ahead of the customer, in his interest, for his interest. We are deeply grateful to everyone who sets their foot in Mahalaxmi Stores and we always want everyone to be a part of this vibrant family at Mahalaxmi and we will do anything and everything for them.

Jai Singh Manth
Managing director

I think our biggest difference is our ability to not only understand local, think local and act local, but at the same time draw strength from our vast experience and operating in multiple markets. Jewelry is a complex product, as tastes vary even within the same region. What helps us here is the vast variety of artisans and even products from across the country. We carefully and painstakingly select the designs of our products and customize them as per the demands of the consumer demographics of each market, as India is a vast country with diverse tastes. We have something for everyone. Highly skilled artisans make our products with stringent quality control measures that create perfection in the products we sell.

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